08 May 2010


Currently, I'm compartmentalizing my life and trying to ignore and deny the fact that I will be in a different state, scratch that, district of the United States.
I'm far from ready or prepared for the trip or the internship that awaits me. The gracious Nancy Bocskor hired me to do her marketing for her this summer as well as feed me lunch, give me opportunities to learn about internet activism and attend networking events. Which makes me think: should I make business cards? All the while, I'll be living and taking classes at Georgetown University and will have free weekends to explore the city that only comes second to the arts, theatre and nightlife of NYC.
And in those 2 months, I plan on doing the inevitable. (If you know me, this isn't surprising.) Find Obama. He's a man I admire. With him being so close, I cannot avoid the great chance I have of actually seeing and meeting the President face to face!
I'm excited. But first, I have to get through two more finals, packing, cleaning, and saying goodbyes.
Here it goes.

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