13 July 2010

What is the world coming to!?

The classes that my friends and I are taking this summer have repeatedly told us how past generations have really screwed us and the American economy over and it's up to us, the up and comers, to pull us out of it.

The one thing that I keep passing by is how much technology has widened the gap between baby boomers and my generation. Moreover, how much it gives my generation a step up when entering the career world.

(Yes, my hours on Facebook are paying off!)

But, really. In the past couple work experiences, I've been working on Facebook and Twitter constantly and making social media work for my employers. I really believe this is what is going to pull us out of the water. This is our man on the moon. It's coming I tell you.

--Now I know you read for D.C updates.
For bad or for good, this city has become more like home. It may be the little community I have going on here. Or the fact that people here are doing things I care about.

Taking an economics class from hell. Well, I'd probably feel this way about any econ class.
Cut off 12 inches of my hair.
Experienced Fourth of July in the capital. Blog post coming soon. The fireworks were spectacular. And in my most patriotic outfit, I saw President Obama pass by in his motorcade.
Channeled my inner journalist at the Newseum.
Reading C.S Lewis' Mere Christianity. Try reading Romans at the same time.
Mind stretching. Mind humbling.

We're down to two weeks and a couple days left in this town.

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