13 November 2011

In Nincy fashion, I'm writing about something before I do it. I'm sitting down (with my dog) about to begin writing my first bible study.

This is exciting. Since Youth Retreat (which you can read about here), I've felt the call to invest in the young girls of my community. After praying, stalling, and overcoming some obstacles, it's finally happening and I am so excited.

My life thus far has culminated to this moment. I have never been a "star" Christian but I think that's the point. My God has pruned me for 23 years and though I am no where near finished, He has equipped me for this. If you were sitting with me right now, it would be obvious.

I've come downstairs into my "reading room." It's actually the formal living room that no one uses and thus no one can find me here. Well, it's not the first place they look. I gathered books I've read, bible studies I've used and past bibles I've written in for the past ten years. It's more than a backpack full and I just have to stop and think--He's done all this work in me FOR A REASON. This bible study may not be the only reason but it's definitely one of them.

Pray for me. I'm on a high right now, very encouraged by the feedback I've received so far. But I know it's going to be difficult and may not be exactly what I'm expecting.
...have I mentioned that I am so excited?

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